Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beating Pat to the punch

last night's gossip girl sucked. the characters were very unnatural. there were too many things introduced and then resolved in the same episode: The Captain. Aaron caring about serena's drinking. They also really shouldn't ever make nate have to act dramatic. And vanessa - you're gross. I can't even believe how gross you are and you always wear big dumb stupid earrings. get a life.
Jenny - grow up. get a new haircut and design a dress with an appropriate hemline.
serena- you're hot. keep doing what you're doing. but stop dating such pansies.
chuck - start being sexy again.

yeah, that's it. but as pat pointed out, it's a thanksgiving episode so maybe i shouldn't hold it to the same standards.


Little Fish said...

I agree with everything that you said! Can they please just get rid of Jenny! Maybe she can go run off with Aaron cause she's so cool and edgy and punk rock and he's so artsy and avant garde- yuck!

The best part of the whole show was when Dorota's cell phone rang and her ring tone was Britney's "I'm a Slave 4 U." I love me some Dorota!

Oh and what about Serena's Thanksgiving dress? Um if I can tell weather you go for standard or brazilian, your dress is too short!

Little Fish said...

and weather I mean whether...

Pat D Sez said...

I like how everyone kills Jenny when she's the only character WHO ACTUALLY ACTS LIKE A PETULANT, SPOILED TEENAGER! You complain that the episode wasn't realistic, yet you're fine with things like high school kids bellying up to fancy bars and getting drinks and basically every ridiculous over-the-top things Chuck does on an episode to episode basis. I got news for you (I don't even like red sauce anymore) and nothing about the show is realistic. These people don't exist anywhere. I went to that high school and the most rebellious thing anyone did was smoke cigarettes on the steps at the Met during lunch. Phew. I can't believe how angry I got just then.

Pat D Sez said...

Last things I promise, Maz..."Jenny grow up." Really? Grow up! Again, she's fifteen. Who grows up at 15? Think of the ridiculous embarrassing things you did at 15. I've got a truckload. Sure, I've never thought of emancipating myself from my parents, but I'm not on a soap opera either. And further, remember when you were fifteen, wasn't everything the end of the world?

Blanket said...

Pat, relax. I'm allowed to not like things. god.
yes, obviously the whole show is unrealistic. all i ask is that once a stage is set, even if that stage is wildly unrealistic, stay on that stage. if you're going to introduce me to these unrealistic characters at least maintain some continuity in how they're going to react in a given situation. they were all over the place and it was an unrealistic representation of several of the characters even within the admittedly unrealistic world of gossip girl. i can't believe we're really in a fight.

Pat D Sez said...

We're not fighting, it's a healthy debate. I love you...even more than Gossip Girl.