Monday, October 27, 2008

Peeve, and thing i think doesn't exist

uch. i freakin hate it when girls are big sports fans. i feel like it's fake. come on, you have a vagina, you really care about who does this toss-up or makes it to the playoffs? really? because the only times i've ever watched a sports game is when i'm trying to like "be one of the guys." and it's a struggle, and i feel like girls that really follow sports are just faking. isn't that ridiculous? just because i don't like something i don't believe that any girls are capable of liking that thing and they must all be faking. you would think i'd never heard of darlene connor. And i know one small fish that is going to take issue with this becasue she's a real sports fan, and no, i don't think she's faking, but i just can't belive it. i just hate it so much.

Note: this does not apply to girls PLAYING sports. That I'm all for and have done. But watching "the game." nope.

Also, i wanted to put an image to this post. I was picturing a cheesy girl in a jersey and a big foam #1 hand but i typed in "female sports fan" and on the first page of results was this:

And if there's anything i can get behind, it's Gerard Way.


Little Fish said...

You are correct, I am not only personally offended, I am currently wondering how we are related! Oh well I love you anyway.

Lazy Lorsie said...

Im not offended. There has been multiple sunday brunches that involve me glaring intently at a girl in a snug-fitting jets jersey, yelling and fighting with the other guys at the bar over her beloved team.

I hate her and others like her, because I'm 100% sure she's only there to try and steal my boyfriend.

Pat D Sez said...

you're a sexist.